Vault Space: Preserve Evidence For Study

Vault Space

4th-Level Conjuration (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range/Area: 30 ft

Components: V, S, M*

Duration: Until Dispelled

*A lock box worth 200 gp.

You can summon a demiplane vault within 30 ft. This vault can hold any non-magical or magical object that is no larger than a 5 ft cube. Additionally, the vault will analyze the object’s history depending on how long it remains stored within.

The vault can hold 500 lb. worth of material. While in the vault, an object is no longer subject to decay nor can it be destroyed.

Vault Ledger. You always know what is inside the vault, and whenever you reach inside it to look for one of its contents, it will instantly appear in your hand or within 5 ft of your location.

A living creature can enter the vault, but when the spell ends, they instantly reappear outside of the vault safely.

You can freely move objects within the vault, as long as they don’t go more than 30 ft outside of it.

Object History. For every full day an object stays in the vault, you know its equivalent amount of history since being placed in the vault.

Empty Contents. After 30 days from casting the spell, everything in the vault will be emptied and appear within 30 feet of your location. If the spell is cast again before the 30 day mark, the holding time will reset.

This spell is not immune to magic that can divine the location of the objects it holds. When this occurs, the caster of the spell is deemed to be the location of the objects.

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