Surpass Your Limits (5E Variant Rules)

Surpass Your Limits

You enter into a hyper focused state, surpassing your limits, to use one of the following abilities below:

Damage. After executing a successful melee attack, expend some or all of your Hit Dice and add the number rolled to your total damage.

You can do this once per turn.

Every Hit Dice used in this way leaves you with one less you can use during a Short Rest to recover Hit Points.

If you expend all of your Hit Dice in this way, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion.

Temporary Hit Points. Once per turn, as a reaction, after being attacked, expend some or all of your Hit Dice and add the number rolled as temporary Hit Points.

You can do this once per turn.

Every Hit Dice used in this way leaves you with one less you can use during a Short Rest to recover Hit Points.

If you expend all of your Hit Dice in this way, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion.

Extra Attack. Once per turn, after executing a successful attack, expend half of your Hit Dice (minimum one, rounded down) and gain one extra attack as part of your attack action.

You can do this once per turn.

Every Hit Dice used in this way leaves you with less to use during a Short Rest to recover Hit Points.

If you expend all of your Hit Dice in this way, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion.

Accuracy. After executing a ranged attack and finding out the result, you can expend some or all of your Hit Dice and add the number rolled to your total attack.

You can do this once per turn.

Every Hit Dice used in this way leaves you with one less you can use during a Short Rest to recover Hit Points.

If you expend all of your Hit Dice in this way, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion.

Introducing the Variant Rules Into A Game

To introduce this variant rule, when a player character’s hit points are reduced to at least half, make them do a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they do not learn one of the abilities listed above. On a successful save, they learn one of the abilities and can use it from then on.

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