Fracture Form: Sunder A Creature In Two For Better or Worse!

Fracture Form

Nth-Level Spell

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range/Area: 30 ft

Components: V, S, M*

Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)

Classes: Wizard

*A cracked diamond worth 100 gp.

You touch or send a wave of planar energy at one creature within 30 ft. If it fails a Constitution saving throw, its body is harmlessly fractured into two parts. Both parts move up to 10 ft away from each other while floating in the air. You decide where the fracture happens. The two parts function normally, and planar energy covers the point of separation.

On each of your turns, or until the spell ends, you can send a new wave to keep fracturing the same creature or try to fracture a different creature, but the previous creature will reform.

At higher levels. For every odd level spell slot used above the one used to cast this spell, you can maintain an additional fractured creature.

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