Caster Blade
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)
A caster blade resembles a sword hilt, but instead of a physical blade attached, a blade of force is generated from its base from arcane energy.
As an action, make one melee spell attack with the caster blade using your spellcasting modifier against one target within range. On a hit, it deals one damage type from the table below.
When a caster blade is acquired, it deals only one of the following damage types:
- 1d8 force damage
- 1d8 radiant damage
- 1d8 necrotic damage
- 1d8 psychic damage
If you are a spellcaster, then once per turn, after a successful hit against a target with the caster blade, expend one spell slot to deal additional damage to the target. The additional damage is 2d6 plus an extra 1d6 for every spell slot used above 1st level, up to 10d6.